Training Manajemen Keamanan Proses

Training Accountability: Objectives And Goals


This course provides an in-depth study of each PSM element. The course introduces each PSM element and the specific guidelines for integrating PSM element requirements into other corporate programs and evaluating program compliance throughout the implementation phase. This course also covers how to expand your PSM program to include the RBPS (risk-based process safety) elements as proposed by the CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety), a division of AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers)

Case Studies – Case studies and exercises are used throughout the course to illustrate interpretations of the requirements and demonstrate ways to develop an effective PSM program, including several video based case studies, including several video-based case studies.

Typical Course Candidates

* Managers – Operations, Safety, and Executive
* Engineers – Process, Safety, and Mechanical
* PSM Implementation Team Members – Anyone involved with implementation, including operators and maintenance personnel
* Compliance Auditors
* Environmental Management and Technicians

What You Will Learn

* To interpret the performance-based requirements of the U.S. OSHA PSM and EPA risk management standards, as well as learn about related industry standards
* The elements of process safety that are missing from typical PSM systems, including Human Factors elements (communication, human system interface, work environment, staffing, and fitness for duty), Facility Siting element, Project Risk Management, Senior Leadership & Accountability.  The Risk-Based Process Safety (RBPS) guide (2007) from CCPS/AIChE is reviewed so you can understand how to close critical gaps
* Multiple options for implementing an effective need-specific program
* Specific guidelines for developing cost effective written programs tailored for each PSM element, whether for a single facility or a corporation
* How to avoid costly implementation mistakes
* Jargon for communicating PSM requirements to others throughout the organization
* For each element
+ How to develop written programs to meet PSM requirements
+ How to incorporate and integrate the PSM element requirements into other corporate programs (other corporate management systems)
+ Key performance indicators
+ How to evaluate program compliance throughout implementation
+ How to begin implementation at your company
+ Additional training necessary for implementation of specific elements
* The course uses actual and generic case studies
+ To illustrate interpretations of PSM requirements
+ To demonstrate developing an effective PSM program that can be adapted
for your facility

Course Outline

  • Accountability: Objectives and Goals
    Accountability is the obligation to explain and answer for one’s actions that are related to company expectations, objectives and goals. Accountability must be built into each element of the process safety management system. There are 9 accountability components: continuity of operations, continuity of systems,continuity of organization, quality process, control of exceptions, alternative methods, management accessibility, communications and company expectations.
  • Process Knowledge and Documentation
    Capturing process knowledge is the foundation on which many aspects of a process safety program are built. Many companies have formal procedures for maintaining and making available this information in process safety or process libraries. There are 7 “process knowledge and documentation” elements: chemical and occupational health hazards, process definition and design criteria, process and equipment design, protective systems, normal and upset conditions (SOPs), process risk and management decisions and company memory.
    These elements are important to keep in mind throughout the life cycle of an operation
  • Process Safety Review Procedures for Capital Projects
    Why are process safety reviews needed. Review the 5 Phases of a Typical Major Capital Project, Appropriation Request Procedures, Siting, Plot Plan, Hazard Reviews, Process Design and Review Procedures, Project Management Procedures and Controls.
  • Process Risk Management
    Elements of process risk management are: Hazard identification, risk analysis of operations, reduction of risk,residual risk reduction, process management during emergencies, encouraging clients and suppliers to adopt similar risk management practices, selection of businesses with acceptable risks.
  • Management of Change
    Management of change includes the following components: change of process technology, change of facility, organizational changes with potential safety impact, variance procedures, permanent changes, temporary changes.
  • Process and Equipment Integrity
    The components of the process and equipment integrity element are: reliability engineering, materials of construction, fabrication and inspection procedures, installation procedures, preventive maintenance, process, hardware and systems inspection and testing, maintenance procedures, alarm and instrument management,demolition procedures.
  • Human Factors
    There are 3 significant components of this element: Operator/process and operator/equipment interfaces;administrative controls vs hardware; human error assessment.
  • Training and Performance
    The components of the training element are: definition of skills & knowledge, design of operating and maintenance procedures, initial qualifications assessment, selection & development of the training program,measuring performance and effectiveness, instructor program, records management, ongoing performance and refresher training.
  • Incident Investigation
    Define and review major incidents, third-party participation, follow-up and resolution, communication, incident recording, reporting and analysis, near-miss reporting.
  • Company Standards, Codes and Regulations
    Company standards, codes and regulations exist to define the minimum acceptable safe practices and provide consistencies at all locations. They assist engineers in making design decisions and are an aid to plant personnel in the safe operation of their site. They define the company’s commitment and interpretation to federal or state legislation.
  • Audits and Corrective Actions
    Audits validate whether a site’s PSM program is adequately doing what is expected and whether the expectations are appropriate. The components of an audit program include: PSM system audits, process safety audits, compliance reviews, internal/external auditors and corrective actions.
  • Enhancement of Process Safety Knowledge
    Enhancement of Process Safety Knowledge equals continuous improvement. This can give a competitive advantage to a company that strives to look for new technology or benefit from its historical information via better yields, quality, productivity and less lost time due to incidents. Management can improve process safety knowledge by encouraging employees to attend trade shows or seminars, contribute to process safety-oriented research and share non-proprietary information via benchmarking.

Metode :

Kelas interaktif (ceramah dan studi kasus), metode penyelenggaraan dapat dilakukan melalui training online, training zoom ataupun training tatap muka

Jadwal Informasi Training Tahun 2024 :

16 -17 Januari 2024
13 – 14 Februari 2024
5 – 6 Maret 2024
24 – 25 April 2024
21 – 22 Mei 2024
11 – 12 Juni 2024
16 – 17 Juli 2024
20 – 21 Agustus 2024
17 – 18 September 2024
8 – 9 Oktober 2024
12 – 13 November 2024
17 – 18 Desember 2024

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Lokasi Pelatihan :

  • Yogyakarta, Hotel Dafam Fortuna Grande Malioboro (6.000.000 IDR / participant)
  • Jakarta, Hotel Amaris Kemang (6.500.000 IDR / participant)
  • Bandung, Hotel Neo Dipatiukur(6.500.000 IDR / participant)
  • Bali, Hotel Ibis Kuta (7.500.000 IDR / participant)
  • Lombok, Hotel Jayakarta (7.500.000 IDR / participant)


Investasi Pelatihan tahun 2024 ini :

Investasi pelatihan selama tiga hari tersebut menyesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta (on call). *Please feel free to contact us.

Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.

Fasilitas Pelatihan :

  • Airport pickup service (Gratis Antar jemput Hotel/Bandara Khusus Bali dan Bandung)
  • Akomodasi Peserta ke tempat pelatihan .
  • Module / Handout Softcopy ataupun Hardcopy
  • Flashdisk atau Link Download Material
  • Sertifikat dan dokumentasi
  • Bag or bagpackers (Tas Training)
  • Training Kit (Blocknote, ATK, etc)
  • 2x Coffee Break & 1 Lunch, Dinner
  • Souvenir Exclusive

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Pendaftaran Pelatihan

Tingkatkan kompetensi Anda ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi dengan mengikuti pelatihan ataupun sertifikasi diberbagai bidang. Kami memahami betapa pentingnya keterampilan dan pengetahuan yang tepat dalam dunia kerja yang kompetitif saat ini. Untuk itu kami menawarkan program pelatihan yang terstruktur dan komprehensif, dikelola oleh para praktisi terbaik juga berpengalaman dibidangnya.

Dengan fokus pada penerapan praktis dan pengembangan keterampilan yang relevan, pelatihan ini akan membekali Anda dengan kompetensi yang diperlukan untuk sukses. Pelatihan yang Anda peroleh akan menjadi bukti keahlian Anda, membuka pintu untuk kesempatan yang lebih luas. Jangan biarkan kesempatan berlalu begitu saja! Segera daftarkan diri Anda dan dapatkan penawaran serta souvenir menarik dari kami. Informasi Pendaftaran Hubungi Tim Representatif Info Training Indonesia 082136930993