

Membekali mereka yang aktif dalam pengelolaan aset produktif dan infrastruktur dengan

pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap yang dibutuhkan pada berbagai tahap dalam kehidupan aset untuk mengoptimalkan kualitas dan kuantitas output aset, meminimalkan risiko dan penggunaan input, seperti yang disyaratkan oleh rencana bisnis.

Kursus ini akan menggabungkan konsep teoretis dan pertimbangan praktis untuk menyempurnakan pemahaman tentang:

* urgensi memperkenalkan AOO untuk mewujudkan potensi output penuh dari aset produktif, menghindari investasi yang tidak perlu dalam aset baru dan memaksimalkan pendapatan;

* pengetahuan, pemahaman, keterampilan, dan sikap yang diperlukan untuk melakukan analisis AOO

* untuk mengurangi kerugian dan pemborosan;

* kemungkinan untuk memanfaatkan potensi penuh tenaga kerja yang menghasilkan pencapaian

* peningkatan kinerja aset yang luar biasa dengan memperkenalkan prinsip-prinsip operator-pemelihara;

* pengembangan rencana pemeliharaan aset dinamis; dan

* kekuatan faktor Efektivitas Aset Keseluruhan untuk aset tunggal dan proses pengambilan keputusan.

Apa yang membuat kursus ini berbeda?

Perbedaan utama adalah mengeluarkan Total Productive Maintenance dari bidang pemeliharaan dan menempatkannya di tempatnya, dengan operator. Bagaimanapun, mantan pengelola dan operator akan diubah menjadi tim manajemen aset lini pertama berbasis proses.

Menimbang cukup kompleknya materi pelatihan Improving Asset Performance with Total Productive Maintenance ini bagi peserta, dibutuhkan training provider yang berpengalaman di bidangnya agar tidak membuat peserta tidak menjadi cepat bosan dan jenuh dalam mendalami bidang teknik ini.


Dengan mengikuti pelatihan Improving Asset Performance with Total Productive Maintenance Peserta dapat berbagi pengetahuan / sharing knowledge mengenai Improving Asset Performance with Total Productive Maintenance dengan peserta dari perusahaan lain yang bergerak di bidang Improving Asset Performance with Total Productive Maintenance.

MATERI pelatihan Meningkatkan Kinerja Aset dengan Pemeliharaan Produktif Total online Zoom :

1. Total Productive Maintenance/Asset Operations Optimisation Explained

* Historic development of total productive maintenance

* Traditional manufacturing processes

* What are lean manufacturing and the Toyota Production System?

* How does the Toyota Production System link to Total Productive Maintenance?

* What are the effects of Just-In-Time manufacturing?

* What are the effects of reduced redundancy in utility networks?

* How do you maintain productive output?

* What is TPM and Asset Operations Optimisation?

* What are the objectives and goals of asset operations optimisation?

* How does Asset Operations Optimisation link to asset management?

* Definitions and acronyms

* What are the benefits of applying asset output optimisation?

* Why should you consider using asset operations optimisation?

* What is the asset operations optimisation process?

* How should you implement asset operations optimisation?

2. How to Identify Process or Assets, Functions and Performance Standards

* How to identify the process or assets for analysis?

* How important is an asset hierarchy?

* What are process and functional block diagrams?

* What is an asset register?

* Which asset register structure?

* How to collect data?

* Which asset to analyse first?

* Pareto analysis

* How to select significant functions?

* How do you assess risk?

* How can you rank asset reliability costs?

* How do you comprehensively describe functions?

* What are process or asset functions?

* Can you link functions to the current asset application?

* Can you include asset policy in function description?

* Can you link functions to the operator tasks?

3. What Are Losses, Waste, Causes, Effects, Detection, Consequences and Criticalities?

* What are causes for asset performance deterioration?

* what are causes for reduced asset Output?

* What are the six big losses?

* Asset down time (unplanned)

* Performance efficiency losses

* Process or output defects

* What are management-induced losses?

* Which losses happen in support functions?

* What are authority-induced losses?

* What is the difference between sporadic or chronic faults

* What is waste?

* How do you detect losses or waste?

* How do you link losses, waste and root causes?

* What are the effects of losses and waste?

* How to assess risk?

* What is the severity of fault consequences?

* What is the likelihood of occurrence?

* AS/NZS risk management

* How to calculate risk?

* Do you need to assess detectability?

* Syndicate exercise

4. What Is the Overall Asset Effectiveness Factor?

* What is Overall Asset Effectiveness?

* How to measure the Overall Asset Effectiveness?

* How to calculate Overall Asset Effectiveness

* What data do you need to collect?

* What is the Availability Factor or Operating Rate?

* What is the Performance Efficiency Factor?

* What is the Quality Efficiency Factor?

* What is the Planning Factor?

* Example of calculating the OAE

* Availability or Operating Rate

* Performance Efficiency

* Quality Efficiency

* Overall Asset Efficiency

* Second example of calculating the OAE

Main Topics – Day 2

* How to calculate the Overall Asset Effectiveness for Processes?

* How to perform a detailed production analysis?

* More definitions

* Information gathering

* What are the basic calculation inputs?

* How to perform the OAE calculation with Nakajima formulas?

* How to perform the OAE calculation with event time

* How to perform the OAE calculation based on good units

* Loss analysis and reconciliation

* How to interpret OAE/TAP calculations?

* What are the financial impacts of OAE Improvement?

* What is the impact on income?

* What is the impact on Return On Assets?

* What are Overall Asset Effectiveness goals?

* What are the benefits of improving the OAE?

* How do you raise the Overall Asset Effectiveness?

* Syndicate exercise

5. How to Eliminate Losses and Waste?

* How to achieve zero breakdowns?

* How to eliminate chronic faults?

* How to restore assets to optimal conditions?

* How to achieve zero faults?

* How to minimise set-up and adjustment losses?

* Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED)

* SMED example:

* Provide visual markings

* How to reduce idling and minor stoppage losses?

* How to reduce performance or speed losses?

* How to reduce chronic quality losses?

* How to reduce start-up or re-start losses?

* How to eliminate authority-induced losses?

* How to eliminate waste?

6. What Is the Asset Operations Optimisation Team Approach?

* How to develop optimum workplace conditions?

* Improve workplace environment

* Improve asset operability and maintainability

* The 5S housekeeping philosophy

* What is autonomous maintenance?

* Operator training

* Autonomous maintenance in support functions

* Extension of support function TPM to suppliers and distributors

* What is the maintainer program?

* Maintainer training

* Training of other personnel

* How to write standard task procedures?

* What is the team or small group approach?

* How to achieve an effective team?

* What are process-based teams?

* What are empowered employees?

* What are first-line asset managers?

* What are second-line asset Managers?

* who is the process team leader?

* Why share the benefits with the employees?

* What organisational structure should you adopt?

7. What Asset Operations Optimisation Analysis Sheets Can You Use?

* What do the Asset Operations Optimisation Analysis sheets look like?

* Function and performance level description

* Detection, causes and effects

* Risk assessment

* Task description and assessment of cost-effectiveness

* task frequency

* Syndicate exercise

8. How to Implement Asset Operations Optimisation?

* How to organise for AOO implementation?

* Do not hand the AOO analyses to consultants!

* What is the role of team members?

* What is the role of the facilitator?

* What are the steps of AOO implementation?

* Step 1 collect information regarding AOO

* Step 2 initial site audit and presentation to management

* Step 3 announce management’s decision to introduce aoo

* Step 4 form and train teams

* Step 5 establish vision, mission and aoo policies, strategies and goals

* Step 6 formulate a master plan for aoo development

* Step 7 perform a feasibility study.

* Step 8 start pilot implementations.

* Step 9 plant-wide aoo launch and improve asset effectiveness

* Step 10 establish an asset management program for operators

* Step 11 establish a program for the maintainers

* Step 12 provide operations and maintenance training

* Step 13 develop a designing for maintainability program

* Step 14 Implement AOO outcomes immediately

* step 15 perform one-off tasks

* step 16 continuous improvement

* Step 17 AOO progress audit

* Studi Kasus / Praktek pemecahan masalah Improving Asset Performance with Total Productive Maintenance.

METODE pelatihan reduce losses and waste online Zoom :

Metode Training Improving Asset Performance with Total Productive Maintenance dapat menggunakan fasilitas training zoom atau training online, dan bisa juga training offline atau training tatap muka.

INSTRUKTUR pelatihan development of a dynamic asset maintenance plan online Zoom :

Instruktur yang mengajar pelatihan Improving Asset Performance with Total Productive Maintenance ini adalah instruktur yang berkompeten di bidang Improving Asset Performance with Total Productive Maintenance baik dari kalangan akademisi maupun praktisi.


Asset Owners, Managers, Engineers, Designers, Planners, Trades Persons, Operators, Finance Managers, Safety Officers and all those who are eager to achieve sustainable improvement in Asset Operations Optimisation (formerly Total Productive Maintenance) and return on investment.

Peserta yang dapat mengikuti training Improving Asset Performance with Total Productive Maintenance ini adalah staff sdm atau karyawan yang ingin mendalami bidang Improving Asset Performance with Total Productive Maintenance.

Karena kompleksnya pelatihan ini, maka dibutuhkan pendalaman yang lebih komprehensif melalui sebuah training. Dan menjadi sebuah kebutuhan akan training provider yang berpengalaman di bidangnya agar tidak membuat peserta menjadi cepat bosan dan jenuh dalam mendalami bidang teknik ini.


Jadwal Informasi Training Tahun 2024 :

16 -17 Januari 2024
13 – 14 Februari 2024
5 – 6 Maret 2024
24 – 25 April 2024
21 – 22 Mei 2024
11 – 12 Juni 2024
16 – 17 Juli 2024
20 – 21 Agustus 2024
17 – 18 September 2024
8 – 9 Oktober 2024
12 – 13 November 2024
17 – 18 Desember 2024

Jadwal training diatas dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu. Untuk memastikan jadwal pelatihan fix running di tahun ini silahkan konfirmasi jadwal dan lokasinya melalui whatsapp marketing kami


Lokasi Pelatihan :

  • Yogyakarta, Hotel Dafam Fortuna Grande Malioboro (6.000.000 IDR / participant)
  • Jakarta, Hotel Amaris Kemang (6.500.000 IDR / participant)
  • Bandung, Hotel Neo Dipatiukur(6.500.000 IDR / participant)
  • Bali, Hotel Ibis Kuta (7.500.000 IDR / participant)
  • Lombok, Hotel Jayakarta (7.500.000 IDR / participant)


Investasi Pelatihan tahun 2024 ini :

Investasi pelatihan selama tiga hari tersebut menyesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta (on call). *Please feel free to contact us.

Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.

Fasilitas Pelatihan :

  • Airport pickup service (Gratis Antar jemput Hotel/Bandara Khusus Bali dan Bandung)
  • Akomodasi Peserta ke tempat pelatihan .
  • Module / Handout Softcopy ataupun Hardcopy
  • Flashdisk atau Link Download Material
  • Sertifikat dan dokumentasi
  • Bag or bagpackers (Tas Training)
  • Training Kit (Blocknote, ATK, etc)
  • 2x Coffee Break & 1 Lunch, Dinner
  • Souvenir Exclusive

Jadwal Pelatihan masih dapat berubah, mohon untuk tidak booking transportasi dan akomodasi sebelum mendapat konfirmasi dari Marketing kami. Segala kerugian yang disebabkan oleh miskomunikasi jadwal tidak mendapatkan kompensasi apapun dari kami.

Pendaftaran Pelatihan

Tingkatkan kompetensi Anda ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi dengan mengikuti pelatihan ataupun sertifikasi diberbagai bidang. Kami memahami betapa pentingnya keterampilan dan pengetahuan yang tepat dalam dunia kerja yang kompetitif saat ini. Untuk itu kami menawarkan program pelatihan yang terstruktur dan komprehensif, dikelola oleh para praktisi terbaik juga berpengalaman dibidangnya.

Dengan fokus pada penerapan praktis dan pengembangan keterampilan yang relevan, pelatihan ini akan membekali Anda dengan kompetensi yang diperlukan untuk sukses. Pelatihan yang Anda peroleh akan menjadi bukti keahlian Anda, membuka pintu untuk kesempatan yang lebih luas. Jangan biarkan kesempatan berlalu begitu saja! Segera daftarkan diri Anda dan dapatkan penawaran serta souvenir menarik dari kami. Informasi Pendaftaran Hubungi Tim Representatif Info Training Indonesia 082136930993