TRAINING MANAJEMEN KESEKRETARIATAN Training Sistem Informasi Manajemen Training Peningkatan Efektivitas Kerja DESKRIPSI Sekarang ini sekretaris harus dapat berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tulisan. Namun, kadang kala perbedaan budaya dapat menimbulkan kesalah-pahaman. Sopan santun dalam menjawab telpon, menerima tamu ataupun membuat reservasi/ janji, harus dikuasai oleh para sekretaris agar mereka tidak menyinggung perasaan mitra atau tamu asingnya. Dengan sasaran untuk mengasah ketrampilan berkomunikasi bagi sekretaris atau front-office staff dalam berbagai kesempatan seperti,…
TRAINING MANAJEMEN KESEKRETARIATAN Training Develop Personal Effectiveness Training Mengenali Diri Sendiri Pendahuluan This workshop will enable you to think differently about your day-to-day interactions, assess your own style and identify ways to develop new and highly effective approaches to build and manage more productive relationships. It will introduce you to the business benefits of understanding your own and others’ Emotional Intelligence and using it to your advantage. * Mengenali diri…
TRAINING MANAJEMEN KESEKRETARIATAN Training Effective Communication Skills Training Communication Skills Deskripsi This workshop introduces you to the core skills that underpin effective communication. You will learn how to achieve greater success and openness in your work-based relationships. The program contains interactive sessions that will help you to develop your confidence, enable you to discuss, learn and practise tools, tips and techniques involved in providing effective communication both internally and externally.…
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