TRAINING PREDICTIVE & PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT Training Manajemen Perawatan Training Apprising Maintenance Performance And Effectiveness DESKRIPSI Preventive and predictive maintenance is a maintenance system which very reliable to prevent some sudden troubles or breakdown that may happened on factory’s tools/equipments. The sudden troubles are very potential things that caused a big loss in production process. The effects of this problem are some failure to achieve production target, the lack of…
TRAINING MANAJEMEN PERAWATAN Training Maintenance Management Training Tujuan Perawatan Tujuan Pelatihan Memberikan pengetahuan tentang pengaturan dan kontrol perawatan industri. Materi Pelatihan 1. Tujuan Perawatan 2. Sistem perawatan terencana 3. Komponen pelengkap sistem 4. Pendukung sistem 5. Total Quality Maintenance 6. Case study Peserta Pelatihan * Teknisi * Operator Metode : Kelas interaktif (ceramah dan studi kasus), metode penyelenggaraan dapat dilakukan melalui training online, training zoom ataupun training tatap muka Jadwal…
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