Training Komunikasi, Asertif, Dan Pengelolaan Konflik
Training Emotional Intelligence
* Understand why people communicate and behave differently
* Be more assertive in dealing with other in most situations
* More understand on human feeling, thinking and behaviour
* Successfully resolving conflicts
* Be prepared to manage conflict involve bosses, peers and sub ordinates
1. Knowing yourself before knowing others
+ Effective Communication
+ How to manage a good massage
2. Developing your emotional intelligence
3. Empathy Communications
+ Listening not hearing
+ Becoming Interactive Listener
+ Becoming massage centre vs speaker centred
+ Planning, organize meetting and presentation
4. Advantages of assertives behaviour and why you should develop the skills
5. Being assertive in difficult situation
+ Positive Thinking and creative
+ Presentations overview
6. Interpersonal Communication and team work
+ Small group dynamic
+ Problem solving in a small group setting
7. Managing Conflik using assertive behaviour
8. Presenting creating hard feeling
9. Handling Objection and criticisms in team environment
10. Handling Objection or respons of the audience
All Staff, Sepervisor, Secretary, Manager yang berkepentingan untuk berkomunikasi dan penanganan konflik dengan lebih baik/efisien
Ir. Iim Takwim, MM.
Ir. Iim Takwim, MM, sarjana lulusan Universitas Pasundan adalah Ketua Program Studi Teknik Industri pada STT Jabar serta Lecture of Production System, Management Information System, Simulation System, Product Design System, Product Design of Facilities, Research of Operation, System of Performances Analysis, Feasibility Study of Industries, Inventory Control and Network Planning, Performance and Productivites of Management Industries. Begitu banyak pengalaman profesi beliau di berbagai bidang industri , antara lain :
* Production System & Procedures Plan of Manufacturing at PT. IPTN
* Technical Staff of Industrial Engineering Division at PT. IPTN (Sub-Contractors, Off-Load and Industrial Domestic Guidance
* Assisstant Manager of HRD of Textile Industry
* Manager of Production in Garments Industry at PT. Fit-U
* Production Manager and Junior Consultan of ISO 9001
* Berbagai topic Training dan Scientific Work beliau, antara lain :
* Instructure Bar-chat and Line Balancing Job Establishment and Grading System
* Awareness and Introduction of ISO 9001 : 2000 (QMS)
* Junior of Management Representative ISO 9001 : 2000 of Production
* Iron Casting Technology at IRDMMI/MIDC and JICA-Jepang
* Management Strategi and Competency
* Total Quality Management
* Logistic and Supply Change Management (SCM)
* Integreted System of Industrial Management
* Cost Of Project and Tools Management
* Corporate Social Responsibility
* Six and Lean Sigma
* Competency Of Professional-SDM, serta banyak lagi lainnya.
Metode :
Kelas interaktif (ceramah dan studi kasus), metode penyelenggaraan dapat dilakukan melalui training online, training zoom ataupun training tatap muka
Jadwal Training Terbaru di Tahun 2023
Januari : 10-11 Januari 2023
Februari : 7-8 Februari 2023
Maret : 7-8 Maret 2023
April : 18-19 April 2023
Mei : 16-17 Mei 2023
Juni : 6-7 Juni 2023
Juli : 11-12 Juli 2023
Agustus : 22-23 Agustus 2023
September : 12-13 September 2023
Oktober : 10-11 Oktober 2023
November : 7-8 November 2023
Desember : 5-6 Desember 2023Jadwal tersebut juga dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan calon peserta
Investasi training perdagangan internasional online tahun 2023 ini :
Investasi pelatihan selama tiga hari tersebut menyesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta (on call). *Please feel free to contact us.
Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.
Fasilitas Pelatihan untuk Paket Group (Minimal 2 orang peserta dari perusahaan yang sama):
- FREE Airport pickup service (Gratis Antar jemput Hotel/Bandara)
- FREE Transportasi Peserta ke tempat pelatihan .
- Module / Handout
- FREE Flashdisk
- Sertifikat
- FREE Bag or bagpackers (Tas Training)
- Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, etc)
- 2xCoffe Break & 1 Lunch, Dinner
- FREE Souvenir Exclusive
Jadwal Pelatihan masih dapat berubah, mohon untuk tidak booking transportasi dan akomodasi sebelum mendapat konfirmasi dari Marketing kami. Segala kerugian yang disebabkan oleh miskomunikasi jadwal tidak mendapatkan kompensasi apapun dari kami.
Technorati Tags: training talent managemen berbasis nlp pasti jalan,training melakukan seleksi dan wawancara berbasis talent dan kompetensi pasti jalan,training listening,questioning & summarizing skills in competency interview pasti jalan,training psychological aspects of competency interview pasti jalan,pelatihan talent managemen berbasis nlp pasti jalan,pelatihan melakukan seleksi dan wawancara berbasis talent dan kompetensi pasti running