TRAINING SECURITY MANAGEMENT Training Manajemen Keamanan Training Fungsi Manajemen Keamanan INTRODUCTION / BACKGROUND There are some definitions of security , one of them states that “Security is defined as taking reasonable measures toward the protection of property / assets, tangible or intangible, against deliberate foreseeable loss-producing events”. By using this definition, firstly it is really important to understand the Basic Principles of Loss Control Management and four main functions of…
TRAINING SECURITY MANAGEMENT Training Manajemen Keamanan Training Security Intelligence DESKRIPSI Setiap perusahaan perlu melakukan perlindungan atas seluruh asset yang dimiliki, tenaga kerjanya maupun iklim usahanya. Apalagi dalam satu dasawarsa terakhir ini Indonesia malah belum mampu menunjukkan kepada dunia luar sebagai negara yang aman dan nyaman bagi warganya maupun warga negara asing lainnya. Hal ini ditandai dengan masih maraknya gangguan keamanan berusaha, baik pemogokan maupun kasus teror bom yang terjadi sejak…
TRAINING ADVANCE SECURITY MANAGEMENT Training Leadership Skills Training Security Management INTRODUCTION This advanced security management course is relevant to those with experience in, or seeking to enterthe Armed Forces, police units or Special Forces, as well as security services such as close personalprotection or MI5. Our security management advanced training course expands on the information in our Level 3 Security Management Course, covering more advanced aspects of security management including…
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